First Coast Community Credit Union’s Action Team in ACTION
Your donations helping others
The next time you are in FCCCU’s main branch on Palm Avenue take a look at the raffle or bake sale.
Your donations and your purchase of a raffle or baked good helps the Action Team raise money for local charities in Putnam, Flagler and St. Johns County. Our Action Team is comprised of staff who donate their time and effort when away from the Credit Union to shop and assemble raffles or bake goods for sale.
CEO Lunsford delivering boxes of hygiene products and Dollar General Gift cards to St. Augustine’s St. Francis Housing Crisis Center. Today, Lunsford met with the staff and donated these items that were purchased with money raised by FCCCU’s Action Team. The St. Francis Housing Crisis Center, Port in the Storm, Homeless Youth Center and Street Outreach Services provide those at need in St. Johns County compassion, shelter and opportunities. For more information see